Cassia 5ml


Cassia essential oil is closely related to Cinnamon Bark and shares many of the same cleansing properties, making it a great option to diffuse or incorporate in home cleaning solutions.

Size: 5 ml

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Native to China, cassia is an aromatic evergreen tree with a documented history of use reaching back to Biblical times. It is one of several varieties of Cinnamomum used for its aromatic bark, and it typically grows to a height of 30−50 feet. In the Bible’s Old Testament, Cassia was mentioned as a holy anointing oil and was a key ingredient in temple incense. Closely related to Ceylon cinnamon, which is used to obtain Cinnamon Bark essential oil, Cassia has a slightly sweeter aroma with higher levels of coumarin and trans-cinnamaldehyde.

Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops of V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex or olive oil. Test on small area of skin or underside of arm. Then apply to desired area as needed.

Aromatic: Diffuse in your home after a long day for a fresh, soothing aroma that helps promote feelings of relaxation.

Neutralizes unwanted odors when diffused

Cleans dirt and grime from surfaces and can add an extra cleansing boost to Thieves Household Cleaner

Creates a sense of peace and serenity when used aromatically

Encourages inner connection and positive self-awareness when used during meditation or spiritual practice

Has a grounding and balancing aroma

Diffuse Cassia with citrus and/or conifer oils to create delicate layers of blissful scent.

Diffuse it to create an uplifting, calming, and pure environment in your home.

Add 3−6 drops to Thieves® Household Cleaner for an added aromatic cleansing boost.

Mix 1 drop with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and give your body a warming massage.

Rub 2 drops of diluted Cassia on your feet and legs to encourage warmth and stimulate cold extremities.

Additional information

Weight0.25 lbs

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